WARNING! Click here to see the future of your freedoms if we do nothing.
The right to petition prevents tyranny and corrupt politics. Our Founding Fathers affirmed that We the People control government.
Colorado must resist further attacks by politicians, bureaucrats, and other bullies. Defend our First Amendment right to petition. Free us from these would-be masters.
The Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) used all volunteer help. It passed, although it was outspent 4-to-1. Term limits and other grassroots petitions also reformed government.
Adding signature rules makes collection harder for volunteers. Requiring a super-majority to pass, so “no” votes count more than “yes” votes, is also undemocratic.
Voters are selective, but want choices. In 110+ years, voters have approved only about 80 petitioned laws. By contrast, politicians pass 400+ new laws yearly. The Petition Rights Amendment (PRA) will provide checks and balances.
- Wary of petitions by special interests? PRA allows more time to collect entries, so grassroots volunteers and low-budget citizen groups can succeed.
- Too many elections? PRA limits them to one day each November.
- Unaccountable county, school, or special districts? PRA covers them too.
- Annoyed by lengthy, vague ballot titles? PRA holds them to 60 words in plain English. Election notices will be written by citizens, not lawyers (who write those tax laws).
- Angered by politics? Since 1933, most bills are false “emergencies” to stop citizen input. PRA OKs ten “emergencies” yearly; other bills may be petitioned onto the state ballot.
Colorado has the nation’s most anti-petition legislature. Citizens convinced the U. S. Supreme Court many times to save our petitions. We head the Hall of Shame of all 50 Legislatures.
Petitions alone change nothing. They just let citizens vote on proposed laws. Insiders who attack petitions are trying to suppress your precious right to vote.
- PRA requires 402 clear words to protect your right to vote, not 1563 words clogging up the constitution . It’s SHORT.
- PRA reduces complexity from 1910 using a modern and logical process. It’s SIMPLE.
- PRA reforms petition elections—only one day a year, fewer lawsuits, and balanced voter information from fellow citizens, not three biased government lawyers. It’s FAIR.